ESG factors have always been a component of Serone’s investment process. With the goal and duty of delivering the highest risk-adjusted returns for investors; Serone will consider ESG metrics as part of its investment research, analysis and risk management process, which will ultimately influence the long-term performance of an investment portfolio.
Embedding the right culture across all areas of a business is, we believe, vital for success. It is part of attracting and retaining the best team, which in turn secures the business and ensures the funds are in the best position to reach their full potential. This ethos at Serone is ultimately driven and governed by the principals of our business, but it is our view that all team members have a part to play if our business is to truly embrace an ESG mindset.
The firm is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).
Please also refer to Serone’s disclosures in relation to SFDR .

ESG factors have always been a component of Serone’s investment process. With the goal and duty of delivering the highest risk-adjusted returns for investors; Serone will consider ESG metrics as part of its investment research, analysis and risk management process, which will ultimately influence the long-term performance of an investment portfolio.
Embedding the right culture across all areas of a business is, we believe, vital for success. It is part of attracting and retaining the best team, which in turn secures the business and ensures the funds are in the best position to reach their full potential. This ethos at Serone is ultimately driven and governed by the principals of our business, but it is our view that all team members have a part to play if our business is to truly embrace an ESG mindset.
The firm is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)
Please also refer to Serone’s disclosures in relation to SFDR